Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Today Brianna and I were playing Barbies. I was Prince Eric and she was Liz and their three-year-old daughter Sarah. It was just a few days after their wedding and they were still on their honeymoon (yeah--don't even try to figure that one out.). She said, "Okay, now, where should they be--Dallas? or Claude? or where?" I just shook my head and said, "Not Claude. How about Paris?" She said, "Okay--Paris is a pretty nice place." So I started by walking Prince Eric into the room and saying ,"During my morning walk, I picked up some great-looking donuts (baguettes will have to wait till I feel up to explaining them.) and fresh fruit for our morning snack." "Oh--nice. Thanks, " says Liz. Then she continues, "Well, as you know, our afternoon routine is to go to the dollar store--the princess dollar store, of course. Yesterday I found a crib and a high chair for Sarah there." :)
As we passed a Dollar General earlier today, our friend Barbara said, "Oh--that's my kind of store." Brianna quickly said, "Oh, we like Dollar Trees better because everything in them actually is one dollar." Right now, Brianna's favorite stores are Dollar Tree, Half-Price Books, and --coming in at number one--the Garland Thrift store. I will be so sad if the day comes when she turns up her nose at the idea of shopping at this kind of store.

Monday, May 16, 2005

I've been reading a book by one of my favorite mystery writers, Stephen White. Either he has become even cleverer since I last read his stuff or it has just been too long for me to remember all the smiles. Two of my favorite lines: "I don't consider it trivia. I like to think of it as information of infrequent utility." And from a psychologist recalling advice given to him early in his career by his supervisor: "He told me that there are some people who are better at being crazy than I will ever be at being therapeutic." This last is somehow a hopeful reminder to me: There are some people who are better at not learning than I will ever be at teaching. There are some people who are better at seeing the negative than I will ever be at encouraging. There are some people that are better at messing up my house than I will ever be at cleaning it. And of course, the reminder that I am someone else's "some people."

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Okay, I am here because three things happened today--on the same day. One, I found myself scribbling down a poem as soon as the gang was out the door this morning, and for some reason I also scribbled a note in the margin that said blog. Two, while we were walking home today, Brianna said something cute that I wanted to share and she has not yet denied me permission to share this particular thing (as she did with the diary/diarrhea mix-up--oops!). Three, I just read an e-mail from my father in-law that said, "Is there somewhere else you have blogged more recently than last year?" Of course, there is also the continuing conviction of recent Bible study/discussion about living in community. Anyway, from Brianna:
(For those of you who do not know, Brianna--previously a model student--has brought home two "bad notes" in the last two weeks, one for not controlling her talking, and one for spitting on the floor--I have no idea what that was about!) So today was a good day, and on the walk home, I said, "Let's only have good days for the rest of the school year--no more bad notes!" She said "Yes! I'm reaching deep inside my brain and pulling out all the bad notes and throwing them way into the sky. Okay--they've gone on vacation. They went to Elastic." Ahh--turns out Elastic is Alaska.
And my poem...
To My Cat, Or Maybe To Jesus
Now I am too weak
To toss your favorite toy
Or even scratch beneath your chin.
But you are faithful.
These days you are a vibrating heating pad,
Drawn like a magnet to the spot that hurts worst.
But just now, you are settled on my heart,
And I hope that its beat and my very breath
Purr back to you the unconditional love
That you lavish without thought on me.

(Wow--that was a lot more poignant this morning when I had a lot more Vicadin in my system.:))
Brianna just walked in and said, "I wonder how you say God in Spanish." I said, "Dios." "Dios?" Yep, Dios." "Oh." Then she threw her arms up to the sky with a big grin and twirled around and said, "Dios!" Lots to learn from that girl about praise.
Since I am in the midst of thinking/praying/studying/dreaming about what it means to live in community in context of being the body of Christ, it is probably as good a time as any to renew my commitment to blog more frequently. Also, I give the finals for the classes I've been teaching this week, and I have a break before I start teaching the summer term.