Tuesday, November 29, 2005

So while Brianna was staying with my parents, she said to my mom, "You know, Granny, I just love the way things get done around here!" My mom said, "What do you mean?" Brianna said, "Well, your washer and dryer are so fast. Clothes are clean and dry in just a few hours. Our washer and dryer at home take 4 or 5 days!"
That's our story and we're sticking to it.

Last night Paul and I got to enjoy our hot tub for the first time in a long time. Unlike in many locations, we drain ours for the summer and just use it from fall to spring. It is just so lovely to sink into the hot water and feel all the tension float out of your body while you watch steam rise off the surface into the cool air. I am so grateful for this odd surprise that turned up in our house, and I am so grateful to Paul for cleaning it out and getting it set up this weekend.