Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Okay, I am here because three things happened today--on the same day. One, I found myself scribbling down a poem as soon as the gang was out the door this morning, and for some reason I also scribbled a note in the margin that said blog. Two, while we were walking home today, Brianna said something cute that I wanted to share and she has not yet denied me permission to share this particular thing (as she did with the diary/diarrhea mix-up--oops!). Three, I just read an e-mail from my father in-law that said, "Is there somewhere else you have blogged more recently than last year?" Of course, there is also the continuing conviction of recent Bible study/discussion about living in community. Anyway, from Brianna:
(For those of you who do not know, Brianna--previously a model student--has brought home two "bad notes" in the last two weeks, one for not controlling her talking, and one for spitting on the floor--I have no idea what that was about!) So today was a good day, and on the walk home, I said, "Let's only have good days for the rest of the school year--no more bad notes!" She said "Yes! I'm reaching deep inside my brain and pulling out all the bad notes and throwing them way into the sky. Okay--they've gone on vacation. They went to Elastic." Ahh--turns out Elastic is Alaska.
And my poem...
To My Cat, Or Maybe To Jesus
Now I am too weak
To toss your favorite toy
Or even scratch beneath your chin.
But you are faithful.
These days you are a vibrating heating pad,
Drawn like a magnet to the spot that hurts worst.
But just now, you are settled on my heart,
And I hope that its beat and my very breath
Purr back to you the unconditional love
That you lavish without thought on me.

(Wow--that was a lot more poignant this morning when I had a lot more Vicadin in my system.:))
Brianna just walked in and said, "I wonder how you say God in Spanish." I said, "Dios." "Dios?" Yep, Dios." "Oh." Then she threw her arms up to the sky with a big grin and twirled around and said, "Dios!" Lots to learn from that girl about praise.
Since I am in the midst of thinking/praying/studying/dreaming about what it means to live in community in context of being the body of Christ, it is probably as good a time as any to renew my commitment to blog more frequently. Also, I give the finals for the classes I've been teaching this week, and I have a break before I start teaching the summer term.


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