Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Every morning as we drive downtown from our house, Paul expertly enters I-30 and crosses four lanes of heavy traffic in this very short distance in order to make it into the HOV (high ocupancy vehicle, high occupancy in Dallas being more than one) fast lane entrance. His skill always astonishes me. Today I was telling him once again how impressed I was, and he said, "As long as nobody slams on their brakes, because all my maneuvering is based on the assumption that all the cars around me will continue at their same speed of slightly above the speed limit." I said, "Wow, when I drive, I am working on the assumption that all of the cars around me wil do the craziest thing possible at any given moment." "Ah, " he said, "That's called defensive driving." "No, " I said, "That's called terror."


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