Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Yea! I remembered my log-in name and password! Woohoo for me! It seems that every time my computer access at work changes, I do not manage to blog for several weeks. And when I come back--finally--I have usually forgotten my log-in info and getting that delays my re-entry into blogdom another day or so. But I am finally settled in my own office with my own computer--well, "settled" might be a bit optimistic--I am still surrounded by boxes waiting to be unpacked--, so now maybe I will be a more consistent blogger. Believe it when we see it.
Yesterday was our 8th wedding anniversary. A charmed and romantic day it was not. My IBS has been raging for the past few days, so I have been in the bathroom or in bed completely drained pretty much all the time I am home. Yuck. Which also leads to the laundry and dishes piling up and me being cranky. Yuck. We were way too busy to even relax and have fun last night anyway since we have taken on a few extra projects with looming deadlines. Yuck. When we walked in the door last night, the house smelled like cat poop. Yuck. While I ate something bland in the other room, Paul moved furniture and cleaned floors looking for the problem. Yuck. Then he saw Snowball, the cat who has moved in with us but doesn't let us touch her. She had clearly had a bad case of diarrhea that left her behind, her back legs and her tail a mess. Yuck. So every spot she touched in the house was getting some of her stinky mess. Yuck. Paul finally cornered her and got hold of her. We filled the kitchen sink with warm soapy water and tried to scrub her down. Although it definitely required both of us, she was surprisingly cooperative. Then I dried her a bit and tried to keep her calm and in my lap while Brianna kept shouting from her room, "Can I pet Snowball now?" (The opportunities to pet her are so few because we so seldom manage to get our hands on her.) and I kept shouting back, "NOT NOW!" Snowball managed to escape me before getting all dry, but she seemed to manage to finish the job herself--she looked good this morning. By the time Snowball had escaped, Brianna was crying because of the shouting--"It makes me feel like nobody wants me," she whines as she snuggles in my arms and we watch her fabulous 4-foot fiber-optic Christmas tree, which reflects in her mirrored wall so that it actually seems like there are two in her room. Please. She finally relaxed and Paul and I took a few minutes in the middle of piled projects to open gifts others had sent us. But I still had to keep working after that for several hours. But the truly amazing thing about this anniversary is this: It actually is not the worst anniversary we have ever had--not even close! Thinking back, I'd have to say this one wasn't so bad at all.


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