Friday, December 05, 2003

Brianna is back at her school. So far, so good. After the first day back, we said,"Did you enjoy getting to play with Erica? Wasn't it fun to see her after so long?" "Well, no, not really. Erica has changed. She has a lot of bad ideas now--not good ones like we used to have." I asked what kind of bad ideas, thinking this was something like playing with puzzles instead of pretending to be kitties. "Well, bad ideas like hitting people and teasing them all the time and kicking and pinching. Those are not good ideas." Fortunately, the next day, Brianna announced, "Erika was much better today. She didn't do any hitting or teasing or anything bad. Now she just has good ideas like me again!" Getting ready for Christmas has her fairly satisfied with school for now, but I am not pleased to get the notice that tuition increases again Jan.1. Hoping for a better option to be revealed.


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