Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Well--that was embarrassing. It has been a few days since I have blogged and when I went to log in, I got my password wrong. Not only that, when I tried to request my password, I couldn't even get my username right--not even with several tries. So I dug around in the pile of papers where I jot important notes while sitting at the computer, but I did not find my username or password. I did find my brother's cell phone number and reminders of a few programs I want ot listen to from NPR archives, a list of what to feed cannas to help them bloom better (egg shells, grass, and coffee grounds), a paper that only says "6500 pesos"???, and my favorite random note--"don't worry about permission." Hmmm. I wonder what prompted such rebellion--what did I do without permission? Anyway, after that interesting detour, I finally just asked blogger to send me my username too. So I can finally access my own blog.
We took chocolate cake over to the home of the family we are buying our new home from and inked in the contract. We had a lot of fun. I think we will all become good friends. Paul and Daniel got out Daniel's guitars and played some worship songs. We listened to fabulous stories of Daniel's days in a survival camp in Colombia. Today we ran up and signed loads of paperwork with our lender--not as much fun, but not terribly painful either. We're hoping for closing near the end of August. Our house payments actually will be $100 a month less than our current rent. Cool.


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