Thursday, July 24, 2003

Brianna is taking ice-skating lesson this week through her preschool. So one of the things she had to take was a pair of gloves. Well, we found our gloves in the closet--but none of Brianna's, of course. So we started shopping for winter gloves in July. We tried the thrift store first with no luck. Then we tried sporting goods stores with no luck. Finally--Walmart. Woohoo for walmart--At least ten different styles in Brianna's size, all marked down to 50 cents or a dollar! I was so impressed. Brianna loves ice-skatingand--at least according to her accounts--is already skating across the rink by herself. She has told us several great tips about how to regain your balance and how to stand still. Apparently, she thankfully did not inherit all my non-athletic genes.
We came home from running errands in the triple digit heat a few days ago to find that our front lawn had been mowed while we were gone. Cool! But the thing that really reminded me what a state of grace we are living in was the fact that we didn't know which neighbor to thank because we know either one of them would do something like that! Turns out it was the college student/artist, who clearly has a little more time than the contractor/father of three. The next day we came home and the front yard had all been beautifully edged. And last night, the same guy mowed the back yard while I was resting and Paul and Brianna were at Healing Rooms. We are so blessed. And yes, we're cooking him dinner next week.


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